Sunday, March 31, 2013

happy easter

My family came to visit me in Tallahassee on this lovely Easter weekend. We had a pretty fantastic time (if I do say so myself).

I took them to a local hamburger joint Monks (now called Wells Brothers). My dad and I ordered the lip smacker. So delicious. Toppings you ask? Smoked bacon and cheddar cheese slathered with creamy peanut butter; served on a kaiser roll; add jelly for $0.25. I am reading that straight off their menu. Peanut butter and bacon is where it is at. No joke. Of course I added jelly and dipped that thing right in it. I could eat one as I am writing this. Yum.

So at my apartment complex we have a game room. My apartment complex decided to close this holiday weekend (good for the employees) but my brother didn't get to play :( Instead he modeled for me :) anyone want senior photos done? Hit me up. Contact info is on my contact page.

I made them waffles with my new waffle maker on Easter Sunday. Waffles are like the best thing ever (especially with peanut butter). My family always eats waffles with either chocolate chips or blueberries, and a cut up banana on top.

We also colored eggs this holiday season. Pretty sure I am the only 20 year old college student that actually enjoys that tradition. 

You guys see that yummy peanut butter? Mhmmm. Pretty much the best thing on earth.

Model status.

A little bored I guess? Apparently egg coloring isn't their favorite part of the holiday (it would have to be the candy eating part).

Lauren colored an egg too!

So this is us trying to get a good picture out of my dad. He was taking forever. This sums up our relationship perfectly.

Gold sparkles was my idea. Go Noles. However, next to that egg is the blue and orange egg I made for my boy. How contradictory.

So Austin made one egg. Just one. He literally dipped it in every single cup of food coloring. And it turned out the best. It is the brownish, purplish egg with green lines. It is the prettiest egg we have.

I'm all about that egg coloring life.

My dad and I at Momos - the local pizza joint (on par with Satchel's the local pizza joint in Gainesville)

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