Wednesday, March 27, 2013

work it

So as promised, outfit from yesterday. Sorry you don't get to see the whole thing. I look like a mess in every single picture. Photo creds to Lauren.

Outfit details: dress: TJ Maxx / Tights: Target / Jacket: 21 / Bandana: Dollar Tree 

Today, I went to the stadium to work out. Details of my workout at the bottom. I also practiced with my 50mm prime lens (that was basically the reason I went). It has taken a little getting used to. Lame photos to follow:

These "windows" are really interesting to me.

Nike Trainers from Sports Authority

I think those are some football players? Guy all the way on the right is a Track athlete for sure though. Way to skinny to be a football player.

This guy was bookin' it. He looked like he had an awesome workout.

The chute where FSU football players storm the field.

Workout details:

Ten minutes of warming up. This included running around the stadium and up and down the stadium stairs.

You can have water between exercises or even a small break, but don't wait too long. The point of this workout was to incorporate cardio while strength training.

50 jumping jacks
20 burpees
30 second plank
walking lunges (I did not count, just walked until I felt the burn)

50 jumping jacks
20 switch lunges
30 second plank
50 squats 

50 jumping jacks
20 push ups
1 minute plank

10 minute cool down (same as the warm up) you can do five minutes of running, and then 5 minutes of walking if you prefer. Must continue for 10 minutes though.

Don't forget to stretch! (And eat a healthy dinner. It is almost a complete waste if you workout and then blow it on terrible food.)

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